The Rail21 Management Systems

Railinc allows uploading CSV, "Comma Seperated Value", data files for modifying UMLER records. The Rail21 program has the capabilities of creating these files and validating them against the data files within the program. Each transaction type has a defined set of parameters specific to that transaction type. You must request "Bulk Upload Access Permission" from Railinc.


The current capabilities are for the following;
Air Brake Inspection
This feature will capture all the information required from a selected file based on specific criteria that you select. You may also delete any individual pieces of equipment by simply double clicking on that equipment.

Reflective Sheeting
This feature will capture all the information required from a selected file based on specific criteria that you select. You may also delete any individual pieces of equipment by simply double clicking on that equipment.

Door Lube Inspection
This feature will capture all the information required from a selected file based on specific criteria that you select. You may also delete any individual pieces of equipment by simply double clicking on that equipment.

Update Equipment Maintenance Party
This feature allows you to choose the lessor first, than press the "Create" push button. A screen appears where you enter the car initial, car number and the initials of the new repair responsibility company. Once you enter the car number, the system automatically informs you as to how your data is currently set up. All data is maintained in a specific file for each lessor.

The system will first make sure that the car is in your equipment file, than it will check the lease that the car is assigned to do determine the lessor and any rebilling instructions. Once the information is determined and validated, the system will save the car to the CSV File for that lessor. Now you simply press the Create push button and give the file a name and point it to the directory on your computer you want it to write the file to.

When the system informs you that the file has been created, you press the OK push button and a screen will appear displaying the results of your selection.

How to Upload CSV Files

1. You will need to login at the Railinc website. Once you completed the login, you will need to select Component Registry.Registration on the Umler page. The tab items are Search, Add New, Upload CSV

Uploads can be used to quickly submit many similar components (e.g., 20 cars with air brake test).

Users can upload component information from proprietary systems in an acceptable CSV format. To upload a component CSV file:
1. Log onto Umler as described in Logging In above. The Umler Welcome page is displayed.
2. Select Component Registry>Registration. The Search Component Registry tab page is displayed.
3. Select the Upload CSV tab. The Browse files to find a components CSV panel is displayed.

Umler CSV Upload

Uploading the CSV File

4. Select the Browse button to locate the file for upload. The Choose file panel is displayed
5. Either double-click the file, or highlight it and select Open. The Browse Files to Find a Components CSV is redisplayed with the selected file.
6. Select Submit. A message is displayed
7. Check user e-mail for a status message

If errors occurred in processing the file, those errors are identified by Component ID and field-byfield. These details can assist in correcting the upload file before uploading and submitting again.

8. (optional) If no errors were identified, validate a few records in the upload to determine appropriate changes have been made. (e.g., deleted components are not found, new components are found, fields changed reflect those changes, etc.).

More features will be coming shortly, such as adding equipment to UMLER, Modifying Lessee's, Modifying components on specific equipment and more.