Mars21 main menu RailTech Software Systems has been supplying the railroad industry with software since 1988. We are proud of our customer service as well as the quality of our products. Our customers range in size from a one man operation to corporations with offices throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Manage incoming invoices; See our newest program, Invoice21Plus, by taking the Guided Tour above!
Audit and manage your invoices and equipment easily in minutes with this software. Check out the great pricing below!

Call us today at (415) 735-7504 and get on the right track!
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Invoice21Plus is our latest program! This system is aggresively priced and depending on your fleet size, should pay for itself in just a few months! The system will perform audits, validate pricing using AAR Price Masters as well as discounted pricing, validate rebuttal and create rebuttal summary sheets as well as invoices and detail billing repair cards. Invoice21Plus will manage the shopping of cars as well as create depreciated value statements, upload and download 500 byte data exchange files. All audits are database driven, giving you the power to write your own audits. This system will even write your exception letters for you.

Mars for the 21st Century

Mars21 is a unique program that will manage all your repairs. This system will create customer profiles, invoices, statements, detail billing repair cards, group billing, data exchange files and much more.

Reports can be either detailed or summarized. All reports can be viewed, printed or save in various formats, including pdf files. There is a complete status reporting program that segregates repairs by Owner, Rule 95, Projects and Pool repairs.

Rover21 - Handheld Software

The Rover System is designed to be used with any software billing package that has the capabilities of uploading either 160 Byte Data Exchange Files or 500 Byte Data Exchange files. It is especially useful for those companies using the Mars for the 21st Century billing system by RailTech Software Systems.

Rail21 - Management System

The Rail21 is a unique program that will manage all your rail equipment for owned cars, leased in and leased out cars. The system will perform audits, validate pricing using both U.S. and Canadian AAR Price Masters, validate rebuttal and create rebuttal summary sheets as well as invoices and detail billing repair cards. Rail21 will manage shopped cars and rent abatements as well as create depreciated values in either U.S. or Canadian prices, upload and download 500 byte data exchange files. All audits are database driven, giving you the power to write your own audits. This system will even write your exception letters for you.


CarHire21 will assist you in obtaining and reading your car hire 500 Byte Data Exchange Files as well as creating variuos reports include Ad Valorem Milage and Equalization Reports. The screen is designed for the handling of your data in the easiest way possible.

Invoice21 - FREE

Invoice21 is a unique program that will import all 500 byte data exchange files. The system will perform an audit on the file to make sure that it is in the proper format. If it is not, it will still upload the data for your viewing and/or printing. It will even produce a report stating what line had the error and exactly what the error was.

Sponsor Your Company on our Software

Advertise your product, message, address information and website links to all users of our software! This unique opportunity is available for a very reasonable fee of only $100.00 per quarter.

Check out our latest program, Invoice21Plus, a complete auditing system and much more by clicking on GUIDED TOUR above.

Both Rail21 and Invoice21Plus now come with a guarantee if the software does not pay for itself in the first full 12 months of use! Read the guarantee in the PRICING link below...

Try our software for 30 to 60 days, FREE! Click Here for more information

Flyers, Programs and Services

PRICING is completely transparent, you always know exactly what your program will cost from quarter to quarter and year to year. There are no surprises and unlike other companies, there is NO TRANSACTION BASED PRICING!. All of our systems utilize both U.S. and Canadian AAR Price Masters. I guess these are just some of the reasons why we have clients throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico! Another reason is our customer support. Just ask our customers!

Special Formats included; Our billing software supports the additional format selections of GE Railcar, GATX, TTX, BNSF, UP-CEI, as well as others.
Running Repair Agents; Our software is 100% Running Repair Agent compliant, including company specific requirements!
CarHire21; will upload and download car hire 500 Byte data exchange files and give you reports on mileage, equalization and Ad Valorem
Invoice21; is 100% FREE and will upload 500 Byte Data Exchange Files as well as print invoices, billing repair cards and other reports! Call today for details or click on the above button Guided Tours and select Invoice21.