Our Complete Pricing Schedule
[Update, Upgrade and Support fees are guaranteed to never go up!]
Rail21, Invoice21Plus, and Mars21 quarterly invoicing is sent out on the 22nd of February, May, August and November of each year.
Mars21, Rail21, and Invoice21Plus are paid off over 5 years, on a quarterly basis, interest FREE! PLUS, you can cancel at any time without penalty and all future payment obligations stop!
Mars21-Billing/Invoicing Software
Mars21 System total cost
$7,500.00, which includes setup. (Cost is only $375 per quarter for 5 years)
1 User - No Fee
1 Entity - No Fee
3 User System - $1,250.00 one-time fee
Additional user over 3 - $250.00 one-time fee per User
Additional Entities - $1,250.00 one-time fee per Entity
Updates, Upgrades and Support Fees are as follows;
Single User System $400.00 per quarter, (That is under $135.00 a month)
AAR Quarterly digitized Price Master $40.00 per quarter
3 User System additional $50.00 per quarter
Each user over 3, additional $50.00 per quarter
Each additional entity is $50.00 per quarter
Bonus: For an additional $400.00 per quarter, you can have the handheld program and install it on as many tablets, laptops or PC's that you require.
Rail21-Railcar Management System - (Audit, Manage Leases, Car Hire, DV's and much more!)
Complete System - $12,500.00, which includes setup, (As many Users, Lessors, Lessees, Owners that are required are FREE of charge!)- (cost is only $475.00 per quarter for 5 years)
Quarterly Maintenance Fee: $750.00 plus $40.00 for the digitized AAR quarterly price master.
Invoice21Plus - (Audit, DV's and much more!)
Complete System - (Time Limited, Introductory Offer Only) $6,500.00, which includes setup, as many users that you require and as many bill to and bill from companies that you require. You can even manage other companies cars with this software! - (cost is $325.00 per quarter for 5 years. That's only $108.33 per month, WOW!)
Guarantee: If this program does not pay for itself after 12 full months of use, we will pay your remaining balance! No minimum car count and no if's, guaranteed...
Quarterly Maintenance Fee: $450.00 plus $40.00 for the digitized AAR quarterly price master. That comes out to only $158.33 a month. Now divide that by the number of cars you are responsible for, and you can see the cost per car, per month is dirt cheap! Quarterly maintenance fees on all our software is guaranteed to never ever go up!
Carhire21-Car Hire/Equalization/Ad Valorem PLUS Car Movement
Complete System $5,200.00 one time fee (No Maintenance Fees or any other fees of any kind)
Rover21 Handheld Software
Complete System for those that do not use the Mars21 program is $4,500.00.
This allows you to have as many as you need on as many tablets or computers that you want, for no extra charge.
You will be able to create billing repair cards, estimates, JIC's, reports and data exchange files. Create Billing Repair Cards or Estimates using AAR or NitLeague Job Codes, overwrite labor and material charges or have the system automatically price per the AAR Price Matrix based on the date of repair.
Maintenance fee is $450.00 per quarter
Quarterly digitized AAR Price Master is $40.00
A sponsorship is your advertisement on our software for all to see. Sponsorships can be purchased by anyone, even if they do not use any of our systems.
The total cost of a sponsorship is only $250.00 per quarter. This will put your name, company's name, address, telephone, Fax, internet link and a message of up to 250 characters long on each and every software product that we have. This information will be in a business card format at the bottom right side of the main screen of each program. The business card will change each time that a user performs a task. This means that your card can appear on a software product 100's of times in a single day. click here for more information and screen shots on how the sponsorship works!
Invoice21/500 Byte Upload/Reports
Complete System FREE